Offering Video Counseling

Trauma Counseling, PTSD, Depression Therapy, Los Angeles

Sylvia S. Roan from New Life Family Counseling has received training and certification as a Rapid Trauma Resolution Therapist. To learn more contact us today. 

Trauma and Grief Counseling     Call 626-353-8772

Therapy for Acute Stress Disorder and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD):
Acute Stress Disorder is diagnosed within one month after a person has been exposed to a traumatic event and suffered severe physical, mental, emotional, and behavioral symptoms for a minimum of two days and a maximum of four weeks. Post Traumatic Stress Disorder is diagnosed at least one month after the traumatic event. Trauma is defined as confrontation with an event or events that involves actual or threatened death, serious injury, or a threat to your physical integrity or others. If suddenly facing trauma, you or your loved ones may experience intense feelings of horror, powerlessness, helplessness, and hopelessness. Most people can recover from trauma within a short time. However, if reactions to a traumatic event have interfered with your job performance, social function, and family life, please get professional help by contacting New Life Family Counseling at 626-353-8772. Sylvia S. Roan has received training and was certified to be a Rapid Trauma Resolution Therapist. Mrs. Roan has successfully helped clients to be free from the agony of PTSD symptoms.

Common reactions to Trauma include: Physical Response (Change in sleep patterns, change in appetite, shortness of breath, headaches, dizziness, muscle tension, upset stomach, and rapid heartbeat); Emotional Response (Feeling of shock or numbness, anger, fear, sadness, frustration, loneliness, feeling vulnerable, depression, or feeling guilty); Mental Responses (Confusion, poor concentration, difficulty remembering details of the event); Behavioral Responses (Withdrawal from others, crying, tearfulness, sobbing uncontrollably, angry outbursts, irritability, increased use of alcohol or other substance, decrease in enjoyment of interests, loss of ambition for life.) Symptoms of children who suffer from PTSD may include: rage, excessive aggression, depression, numbing, panic attacks, avoidance, distrust, high risk behavior, sexualized behavior, flashbacks, sleep disturbances, obsessive-compulsive adaptations, somatic complaints, eating disorders, bed wetting, soiling pants, suicide attempts and suicidal ideation. Many children who suffer from PTSD may have been misdiagnosed as Attention Deficit Disorder with Hyper Activity, or Conduct Disorder. Children who have experienced neglect and abuse in their first three years of life become traumatized and never develop a trusting bond with their caregiver, and may display severe behavior problems toward their caregiver. These children suffer from Reactive Attachment Disorder. They are angry, oppositional and highly manipulative. These children are often misdiagnosed with ADHD, Conduct Disorder, and ODD. New Life Family Counseling is well experienced in helping children of Reactive Attachment Disorder (RAD).

Call New Life Family Counseling, if you or your loved ones have persistently experienced the above symptoms and that the struggle has been severe to the point that you are not able to be your usual self, and your normal function at job, school and home have been impacted. Acute Stress Disorder, if not treated, may lead to Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. Mrs. Roan at New Life Family Counseling, has had many years of helping individuals, children, and families deal with trauma and stress.

Counseling & Grief Loss

It is healthy to grieve. Please do not consider yourself weak if you find yourself feeling sad about your loss. Grieving is a natural process. Stages of the grieving process are: Denial (disbelief, numbness, and shock), Anger and Guilt (may be misdirected), Sadness and Despair (sadness, loneliness, tearfulness, and depression), Acceptance and Hope (acceptance of your loss, adjustment to changes).

The best way to confront loss is to recognize it, understand your feelings and reactions, and get support during the grieving process. You need to take your time to grieve, express your feelings, allow yourself to search for meaning, surround yourself with supportive people, treasure your memories, avoid making major decisions, and take good care of yourself by eating a balanced diet and exercising, by avoiding alcohol and other mind-altering substances.

You may face special challenges if you have lost a parent, a child, or a spouse. New Life Family Counseling recommends that you reach out to your other family members to gain support. Or you may consider talking to a professional counselor or therapist. New Life Family Counseling has a certified Grief and Loss counselor to stand by and assist you through this difficult time.

Children may have great difficulty in coping with loss and grief, especially when the loss is of a sudden nature. Young children experiencing loss of a parent or other significant loved ones may have nightmares or temper tantrums, may be clingy, withdrawn, show physical aggression, and possible regression. For older children, guilt, self blame, blaming others, defiance, or suicidal ideation or attempt may be observed. New Life Family Counseling is here to support you during this difficult time. Children or teens who have experienced divorce, family illness or death, or other family challenges can benefit greatly from having a place to talk about these to help grow beyond the traumatic event. For Help Call 626-353-8772


Get In Touch

Please call or text 626-353-8772 to schedule an appointment or to discuss your counseling needs. I'm looking forward to speaking with you.

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Below are forms to fill out before coming in for your appointment. Please download the forms fill them out and bring them to your first appointment. 

FORMS : office policy & consent | adult client registration | youth registration
